Friday, November 23, 2007


Attacking with great power.

Forcefully effervescent,
It consumes.

A gaze into it's depths
Is a carnivorous glimpse of hell.

You will the swill into being,
But it only glares at you,
Forced into non-servitude,
For it serves none but its own.


Anonymous said...

WoW Dave ..i never knew your words were so deep .... you must of had alot feeling to let out .. JV

BleedingHeartCommunist said...

This is just one mode of expression . . . all of the arts (musical, visual, and linguistic) are so different, and yet still have common threads that hold them together. The most important of these threads is that of communication, specifically, of intense emotion or of analysis.

"Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality. "
- Edgar Allen Poe