Sunday, March 04, 2007

A Letter For Maria

Dearest Maria,

I hope you'll appreciate my brutal honesty: you are arrogant for assuming that I wish to advance so quickly. Does our relationship mean so little to you that you would sacrifice it to the devils who claw for us to move forward? When we become one, though it be a magnificent spectacle, that will not be what we remember most. It will be those awkward moments where we stood side-by-side on the seashore, staring out into the sunset wondering if it would be alright to hold hands or if we should just revel in one another's presence; it will be the times when we walked through the street in the cold wind, each hoping that the other would stop making jokes and just look in our eyes again; it will be those times when we were reluctant to love that we will remember most, because that is what will make our love so much richer.

- Jonathon.

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