Saturday, February 16, 2008

Pyramid of Good Intentions


Miss Gyny said...

It's a strange concept, and I've never seen art like it before. It's excellent really, I don't know how to explain the train of thought I got from it, but I've rarely seen such thought provoking artwork before. It's entirely strange, especially considering it's just a simple series of words and association.

Anyhow, enough rambling for me... One thing I have to say is, your handwriting is horrible...


BleedingHeartCommunist said...

The placement of the words in relation to one another and, to a lesser extent, the shapes in which they were contained were the subject of much consideration prior to drawing the picture. My intent was to achieve a sort of 'magnetic poetry' effect, but in a more cognitive way.

Yes, my handwriting is pretty bad.

Miss Gyny said...

Ha, wow. I think that just adds to the illusions. The amount of work you put into it makes it better, especially because it looks like you didn't need to put that much work into your thoughts. Not to sound like I'm saying it's sloppy... That's just an odd compliment...

I arr funneh! har har har!
