Saturday, November 25, 2006

Bias is inherent evil. I cannot escape it, though it does not clutch or claw at me, for it already has me fully in its grasp. Not with the infinity of time and the penultimate power of reasoning can bias be overcome, for you are born with it, and you will bear it as you have borne life's other burdens; you will bear it in submission. There is no choice.

There is a choice. You can live with your bias, feed it, and find one day that it has outgrown the carriage and demands a castle. You can moan and gripe about your fate until it swallows you whole. Or.

You may choose to fight it. Feed it only the barest of scraps, deny it the rights that any living thing deserves. Flog it daily until it vomits, for within this heartlessness lies your freedom. It will never die, it will still grow larger and larger until you find your perspective is not large enough to contain the mammoth within. But.

It will never die. It is important, no, imperative that you know this. Your bias will cling to you until the day you perish from this earth. All you can hope to do is delay its coming. Prevent the apocalypse until it is irreversibly upon you. Then you may embrace it in blissful hope, the hope that in the other world you will meet someone worth knowing.

Sans the bias.


Anonymous said...

Your outlooks on different elements of human nature being "evil" is kind of drawl to me considering good versus evil seems an outdated concept in my opinion. However, your inspection of bias intrigues me because it is reminiscent of the biblical concept of "original sin".

BleedingHeartCommunist said...

Did you mean "droll?"

And yes, the similarities are inescapable (hah, philosophy joke).