Friday, December 29, 2006

It is interesting to note that my recent inactivity can be easily attributed to, of all things, a good mood. I have said before that depression fuels my desire for excellence, and by extension those who are needlessly happy seem to have very little to contribute; therefore, I find myself mired in joy, unable to find a topic to write on that is cynical enough not to eviscerate my blog's mood. The problem is that joy cannot be attributed to any noun or set of nouns. By its very definition joy is without reason! This perturbs me, for I am unable to explain the emotion that has taken up habitation in my heart. I cannot tell you how to achieve this experience, nor can I detract from it, for any suppositions on my part would be embellishments not worthy of a scientist.

Now I have reached a dilemma that I had not anticipated. It is not possible for me to write of things that I hate, or improvements that should be made upon the world whilst entangled in this snare of unreasonable effervescent excitement. Instead I must subject myself to that arduous task of finding those things in life that are good, those things which fill us with this inexplicable emotion.

Failure is imminent.


Ceodun said...

Yes, sometimes staying cynical can really be a struggle when life just seems so nice and happy, and there's nothing you can do about it either. Even as I type this, I cannot seem to stop the joyful spasms of laughter. Is there nothing we can do?

BleedingHeartCommunist said...

Pfft. d-: