Saturday, September 09, 2006

Music speaks to me in a way that touches me more profoundly than any other medium. It is at the same time elegant, boisterous, mysterious, and something that is both entirely new and indescribably old.

Also interesting is the distinction between rythm and music. I feel that while the two are commonly lumped together, there is a distinct difference. The bubbling of a brook, wind in the trees, a cricket chirping - these are music. But rythm is a human invention, born of a love for predictability and order. When the two are coalesced then is this new form created, a distinctly human kind of music. The ultimate culmination of the beautiful chaos of music and the boring repetition of rythm.

I understand that it may seem that I am biased towards one of the two, but the truth is that it is the human kind of music that I appreciate most. That divine dissonance that expands and becomes more than music or rythm alone is key to my own music. The truth is that we all have our own kind of "human music," and mine is.

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