Wednesday, September 06, 2006

There are a million people in this cold, desolate city, and they all want the same thing. They want John Murkov dead.

We're not bigots. Sure we aren't, and we've at least got the guts to say something about it. Not like those stinking republicans. Always yackin' and . . . well . . . you get the point.

What'd he do that was so bad? Why's everyone got him nailed over the dartboard in the bathroom?

It's kinda' hard to say, like trying to tell a gal ya' like that it'd be better if you and she were "just friends" if'n ya' catch my drift.

But truth be told, it doesn't really matter why anymore. He'll be on tha' throne tomorra' and there's not much anyone can do about it. Even the mayor's said he's given up. Prolly a good thing, I seen a few riots, and they 'aint pretty.

Five hundred. Can you believe it? Five hundred nigs and he laid 'em out flat in that little boat of his and sailed halfway 'round the world to send 'em back. What kinda' monster'd do something like that?

In my opinion he's whacko. When we found him and brought 'im in all he'd talk about was how the mayor was gonna' ruin the world, and that we were 'elping 'im. Well course we were! Mayor's gotta' lot of bright ideas for this here city, and I'll be hanged if'n I let some fanatic nigsailer go truckin them animals off to places where they'll just pollute the genetic pool again.

Still, he did manage to round 'em all up, it's a wonder how he did it. If he weren't gettin' throned tomorrow I'd have him join the force, we could use a guy like him to help keep the peace.

Well, it's about time for my boat to leave. I'm bound for Africa.

Gotta' round them things up afore they get too far, otherwise th'emperor'll have my head for lettin' all them nigs run loose. Hopefully they won't get ta' rapin' and the like before I get there.

I'd hate to have to kill any white folk.

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